• [For cruise trips] Kagoshima City Area Highlight Course-0

[For cruise trips] Kagoshima City Area Highlight Course

  • Days requiredOne-day
  • Transport OptionsTravel by taxi / car , Travel by public transportation


Marine Port Kagoshima

 Marine Port Kagoshima
The beautiful scenery of Sakurajima awaits you as you enter the port. The cruise terminal offers one-day tickets and tourist brochures.

※There is another cruise ship (small-sized) that calls at a different port, called "Kagoshima Main Port North Pier Terminal" ("Kagoshima Honko Kitafuto").
Address 鹿児島県鹿児島市中央港新町1-10

Transportation: car
Time required: 35 min
Point of departure: Marine Port Kagoshima
Point of arrival: Senganen



This is a villa of the Shimazu family built by Mitsuhisa Shimazu, the 19th head of the family, in 1658. Nariakira Shimazu, the 28th head, also loved it immensely, and it attracted many people, such as Atsuhime, the wife of the 13th Tokugawa shogun. You can enjoy a magnificent view that poses Sakurajima and Kinko Bay as if they were miniatures in a landscape garden. Seasonal flowers bloom in the vast garden of approximately 50,000m2, and there are numerous historic sites that tell the history of the Shimazu family. The park was registered as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 2015 as a "Heritage of the Industrial Revolution in Meiji-era Japan."

  • Address 892-0871 鹿児島県鹿児島市吉野町9700-1
    Telephone Number 099-247-1551
    Business Days/ Hours Business Days
    Open all year round

    Business Days
    [Time] 9:00am~5:00pm

    Business Days
    [Notes] Closed on Kagoshima marathon's day
  • See Details
Address 892-0871 鹿児島県鹿児島市吉野町9700-1
Telephone Number 099-247-1551
Business Days/ Hours Business Days
Open all year round

Business Days
[Time] 9:00am~5:00pm

Business Days
[Notes] Closed on Kagoshima marathon's day

Transportation: route bus
Time required: 25 min
Point of departure: Senganen
Point of arrival: Tenmonkan



The largest downtown area in Kagoshima, Temmonkan Street, was named after Meijikan (aka Temmonkan), a facility built in 1779 by Shigehide Shimazu, who positively adopted many facets of European civilization, in order to conduct astronomical observations and make calendars. These calendars are called Satsuma calendars, and they were intended to increase the production of agricultural goods through timely cropping. The arcade is home to cafés, restaurants, and boutiques, including restaurants of local cuisine and souvenir shops, and it is the most popular downtown area in southern Kyushu.

Address 892-0842 鹿児島県鹿児島市東千石町
Telephone Number 099-216-1327(鹿児島市観光振興課)

Transportation: walk
Time required: 10 min
Point of departure: Tenmonkan
Point of arrival: Terukuni Shrine

Terukuni Shrine

 Terukuni Shrine

The deity enshrined here is Nariakira, the 28th head of the Shimazu family. In 1863, the Emperor bestowed on him the posthumous name of Terukuni Daimyojin, and a shrine was built on the ruins of Nanzen-in the following year, becoming the Terukuni Shrine. The shrine and its treasures were burned down in the Satsuma Rebellion in 1877 and reconstructed in 1882, but they were again devastated by war in 1945, and reconstructed in 1958. Now, the shrine is built of reinforced concrete. The torii gate at the entrance was built in 1929, commemorating the coronation of the Emperor in 1928, and is quite large, with a height of 19.8m. Many worshipers visit the Terukuni Shrine as a place enshrining Nariakira Shimazu.

Address 892-0841 鹿児島県鹿児島市照国町19-35
Telephone Number 099-222-1820

Transportation: walk
Time required: 5 min
Point of departure: Terukuni Shrine
Point of arrival: Tenmonkandori Tram Stop

Tenmonkandori Tram Stop

    Transportation: city tram
    Time required: 25 min
    Point of departure: Tenmonkandori Tram Stop
    Point of arrival: Wakida Tram Stop

    Wakida Tram Stop

      Transportation: walk
      Time required: 35 min
      Point of departure: Wakida Tram Stop
      Point of arrival: Marine Port Kagoshima

      Marine Port Kagoshima

       Marine Port Kagoshima

      We sell Kagoshima specialties and souvenirs at the cruise terminal.

      Address 鹿児島県鹿児島市中央港新町1-10


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