Hello!! I am Yumi, local guide in Kagoshima. I was born and raised in Kagoshima. I also lived in several places outside and inside of Japan. I was working as an NGO member to help local people in other countries. After years of living in outside of Kagoshima, I returned to Kagoshima to be a guide. Kagoshima has a unique deep history and tradition. Moreover, we are receiving so many gifts from nature. I am a guide love nature. I want to help you to have a memorable experience in Kagoshima. I am looking forward to seeing you.

Basic Information

Full Name TOKUDOME Yumi
Experience Serve as a host interpreter for ceremonies related to cruise ships. Interpreter guide for various events and meetings including NGO conferences. I mainly conduct customized tour of historical and cultural facilities in Kagoshima, as well as nature tour such as hiking in mountain area in Kirishima, sea kayaking in Kinko Bay and e-bike ride around active volcano Sakurajima.
Based in Minamisatusma City
E-mail yumi_tokudome*kotodama-musubi.com
Please change "*" to "@" when sending
Social media Instagram


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