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Kagoshima Masjid
Kagoshima Masjid has been a prime praying space for Muslims residing in Kagoshima.
The masjid also welcomes travelers by offering space for praying. It also plays an important role by responding to inquiries by restaurants and hotels around Kagoshima.
Hello from Mr. Shukuri living in Kagoshima!
Hello. My Name is Syukri from Malaysia. I am currently working in Nansatsu Shokucho Co. Ltd,(located in Minami Kyushu City) as a Halal Manager who controls all matters related to Halal operation in the company including sales, monitoring halal SOPs, advising on the R&D of halal products and also taking care the welfare of Muslim staffs.
I came to Kagoshima in August 2013. I fell in love with Kagoshima the day I arrived here. Kagoshima is just perfect for me. It is very peaceful place, the people are very friendly. The food is outstanding, and there are lots of nice places to go. The city is surrounded by majestic forests and volcanoes. Kagoshima has full of natural wonders, a friendly and authentic Japanese environment, yet offering everything I need for a comfortable life. Kagoshima gives me a peaceful life and keep me in touch with nature and Japanese tradition. I have yet to find someone be mean or grumpy to me for being a foreigner or Muslim in Kagoshima, and I have made my fair share of friends both local and foreigners. As a Muslim, I have no problem at all living here, since we have good Muslim community which consist of various nationalities from various countries such as Egypt, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Turkey and many others who I can consult anytime when having problems related to religous practises. In Kagoshima, we have Mosque for fulfilling our prayers and other religious celebrations. There is also Imam (Islamic Leader) in the Mosque for us to refer. And for Halal food, we have a few halal shop and restaurants in the city.
So don't hesitate to come to Kagoshima. I guarantee you will love this place. Really. Come! Come! We are waiting for you. :)
Assalamualaikum. Nama saya Syukri. Sekarang bekerja di Nansatsu Shokucho Co. Ltd, sebagai Pengurus Bahagian Halal. Saya bertanggungjawab menjaga semua perkara yang berkaitan dengan halal di dalam syarikat termasuk memajukan bahagian jualan, memberi idea untuk membuat produk-produk halal yang baru, memastikan SOP halal dipatuhi dan termasuk menjaga kebajikan pekerja-pekerja Islam.
Saya datang ke Kagoshima pada bulan Ogos tahun 2013. Datang saja sini, terus jatuh cinta dengan keindahan dan kedamaian Kagoshima. Bagi saya Kagoshima ini semua ada. Kaya dengan keindahan alam semula jadi. Ada laut, pantai yang cantik, gunung-ganang, sungai yang bersih, air terjun yang indah, ada sawah bendang yang luas, ada kolam air panas, kebun teh dan paling istimewa ada juga Gunung berapi paling aktif di Jepun iaitu Sakurajima. Bagi yang minat shopping dan hiburan, di bandar Kagoshima, semuanya ada. Pusat beli belah, tempat hiburan, karaoke, bowling, game center, semuanya lengkap. Pendek kata, sebut saja apa yang tiada di Kagoshima ni :)
Sebagai orang Islam, di Kagoshima juga terdapat Masjid yang agak besar. Komuniti Islam di sini juga terdiri dari pelbagai negara dan latar belakang antaranya dari Mesir, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia dan lain-lain. Masjid Kagoshima juga mempunyai Imam dari Mesir yang menetap di Masjid. Beliau seorang yang alim, hafiz Quran dan fasih berbahasa Inggeris. Jadi, tidak ada masalah untuk bertanya mengenai masalah hukum hakam syariah sekiranya ada sebarang kekeliruan apabila berada di perantauan. Di Kagoshima juga tak ada masalah besar untuk mendapatkan makanan halal kerana di sini juga terdapat beberapa kedai dan restoran halal.
Jadi, usah ragu, usah risau. Jemput datang ke Kagoshima. Anda pasti tak menyesal. Marilah. Kami tunggu. :)
Muslim-Friendly Ramen? Japanese Curry? All in Kagoshima!

There are many Muslims living in Kagoshima. It has a mosque, as well as Muslim-friendly ramen and Japanese curry that use plenty of ingredients from locals, which are nurtured by the magnificent nature of the active volcano Mt.Sakurajima. Must try when visiting Kagoshima!
Read moreMuslim Friendly Restaurant
In Kagoshima, there are Muslim-friendly restaurants that dishes using halal ingredients.
Prayer room -Kagoshima Airport-

Available to anyone regardless of denomination.
In the room, there is no water facilities.
Prayer mats can be requested at the Information Desk on the 1st floor of the International Terminal.