• Wan Port-0

Kikaijima / Wan Port

Kikai-jima is an island located east of Amami oshima with a coastline of about 50km. Most of the island is made of elevated coral reef. The island continues to rise 2 mm/year. The main industry on this island is agriculture of sugarcane and sesame. Various beautiful butterflies can be seen around the island. 

Port details

  • Port details-0
Length 150m
Water Depth 7.5m
Maximum Gross Tonnage 26,594t

Former US President Barack Obama once ate these prawns.

Former US President Barack Obama once ate these prawns.-1

Mr. Mineyama grows these special tiger prawns by making the most of the natural conditions of the island he loves, to "give back" to his hometown.

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Leaving something behind for the next 100 years!

Located about 25 km east of Amami Oshima, Kikaijima is an island that was created by the uplift of coral reefs. Even now, it rises roughly 2mm per year, a rare and valuable occurrence in the world.

Traveling butterflies

  • Traveling butterflies-0

With a warm climate year-round, Kikaijima is home to many butterflies that flit about in search of tropical flowers such as hibiscus and bougainvillea, creating beautiful scenes. There are even migrating butterflies, including the Chestnut Tiger that travels from over 2,000 km away.

Guess What? White Diamond and Black Diamond

  • Guess What? White Diamond and Black Diamond-0

White diamond is "white sesame" of whicf this island is the biggest producer in Japan.  At the sametime, this island also famouse for the good quality of cane sugar. Therefore,  the black sugar made from their cane sugar is called "Black diamons" and "Kokuto Shochu" made from those is of course speechless.

The reason to visit Kikai Island

  • The reason to visit Kikai Island-0

There are only 3 places were we could obserb the well-reserved ancient submarine topography on  ground. Papua New Guinea! Barbados! And…......Kikai Island!


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