Yukusa Ohsumi Umi no Gakko (ユクサおおすみ海の学校)

An experience-centered lodging facility that lets you travel like you live

Osumi Area Leisure and Sports

Yukusa Ohsumi Umi no Gakko is a medium-to-long-term experience-centered lodging facility repurposed from an abandoned elementary school.
Room types include large dormitory-style rooms as well as private rooms with unique names like "Principal's Office" and "Staffroom".
The facility has room for 116 guests as well as a gym and equipment for rent, making it suitable for all kinds of lodgings, like sports camps, school trips, and open air schools.
With the beach just a short walk away, you can go swimming in the sea and sign up for plans that involve all sorts of activities like marine sports.

Basic Information

Address 891-2313 鹿児島県鹿屋市天神町3629-1
Telephone Number 0994-31-8193
Directions Approx. 20 minutes by car from Tarumizu Ferry Port
Approx. 80 minutes by car from Kagoshima Airport
Website Visit Japanese Website
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  • バリアフリー対応可
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  • 祈祷所


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