Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine (白谷雲水峡(太鼓岩))
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A magical world of verdant mosses

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*To everyone planning a trip to Yakushima: Information on tourist facilities and road traffic due to damage caused by Typhoon No. 10

The Shiratani Unsuikyou Ravine spans 424 hectares across the forest and is around 600 - 1,300m above sea level.
The forest is covered in green, unique ground plants like ferns and mosses, and visiting allows for travelers to experience and savor the superb world where Yakusugi cedar trees and laurel forests grow together.
Within the Shiratani Unsuikyou Ravine are three maintained courses -each with differing required course time, and the most popular of the courses being the "Taikoiwa Rock Course" which requires approximatly four hours of hiking time.
Weather permitting, the Taikoiwa Rock is a great place for visitors to have a view of the surrounding massive granite rocks and enjoy a breathtaking overview of the Yakushima Island's forests.
Also, slightly nearby to the Taikoiwa Rock is the "moss-covered forest" (kokemusu-mori) where director Hayao Miyazaki visited several times for inspiration for Studio Ghibli film, "Princess Mononoke" (Mononoke Hime).
Further, it is said that in order to accurately portray the forest's natural deep green shade in the film, staff had to incorporate at least 200 different shades of green.
Visit and experience firsthand how "green" Shiratani Unsuikyou Ravine truly is!

Basic Information

Address 鹿児島県熊毛郡屋久島町宮之浦
Telephone Number 0997-42-3508(屋久島レクリエーションの森保護管理協議会)
Directions Shiratani Unsuikyou Bus stop
Website UNESCO World Heritage Convention
How to get to Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine
Yakushima Tourism Association
Yakushima Geographic Tour
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